All Penn Manor students are eligible for free breakfasts during the 2024-2025 school year.
2024-2025 Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Penn Manor uses Nutrislice to display school menus. You can access the menus online or via the Nutrislice mobile app for Android or mobile app for iPhone/iPad.
On mobile devices: Click on your child’s school to see a calendar listing breakfast and lunch for each day. You can click on the heart icon to have it automatically displays each time you use the Nutrislice app.
Clicking on a food item displays its nutritional information. You can also printout school menus by clicking on the upper right corner where it says Print.
We hope you find this system a useful tool to keep up to date on the foods being served at Penn Manor schools.
Elementary A la Carte Price list PDF
Secondary A la Carte Price List PDF
Menus are subject to change without notice due to supply issues involving our food distributor, which is experiencing labor and product supply shortages. Please know that we will do our best to get the products we need so our menus are accurate. Thank you for your understanding.