For the 2024-2025 school year, Penn Manor will continue to provide free breakfasts for all students at all of its schools. In addition, students who qualify for the Free and Reduced Price Lunch Program will receive lunches for free. There will be no reduced-price lunches this year.
This chart can help determine if you qualify. These are the income limits for families.
2024-2025 Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Penn Manor uses Nutrislice to display school menus. You can access the menus online or via the Nutrislice mobile app for Android or mobile app for iPhone/iPad.
On mobile devices: Click on your child’s school to see a calendar listing breakfast and lunch for each day. You can click on the heart icon to have it automatically displays each time you use the Nutrislice app.
Clicking on a food item displays its nutritional information. You can also printout school menus by clicking on the upper right corner where it says Print.
We hope you find this system a useful tool to keep up to date on the foods being served at Penn Manor schools.
Elementary A la Carte Price list PDF
Secondary A la Carte Price List PDF
Menus are subject to change without notice due to supply issues involving our food distributor, which is experiencing labor and product supply shortages. Please know that we will do our best to get the products we need so our menus are accurate. Thank you for your understanding.

Free and Reduced Price Lunches
Offer vs. Serve
Meal Tickets
My School Bucks
Elementary Schools
Power Packs Program
Free and Reduced Price Lunches
Penn Manor School District has received the Federal Income Eligibility Guidelines for free and reduced price meals for qualified students and their families. These Guidelines will be hand-carried home with your child on the first day of school.
All applications will need to be completed online. If you do not have access to a computer, the main office in each of our buildings is equipped with kiosk machines.
Nutritious meals are essential to the growth and development of our children. Well-balanced lunches are available to your child on a daily basis in the school cafeteria. Penn Manor School District participates in the National School Lunch Program, which means that we must meet certain nutritional criteria when we serve your child lunch. Each lunch we serve offers your child protein, fruits, vegetables, bread, and milk. The lunch prices for the 2023-2024 school year as follows: elementary-$2.35, secondary-$2.50, $3.50, $3.75; and adult lunches-$4.00/$4.75. Breakfast prices are: free for all students; adult-$2.00, milk-$0.60.
Offer vs. Serve
We encourage you to discuss menu selections at home with your child(ren). Help them learn to make wise nutritious menu selections. Your child may refuse one or two menu items while proceeding through the lunch line and still meet the requirements of the school lunch program. In order to have a compliant meal the students are offered 4 items at breakfast and must take at least 3. At lunch, the students are offered 5 items and must take at least 3. For both breakfast and lunch they MUST take a fruit or a vegetable to make a complaint meal. Please see the breakfast tip sheet and lunch tip sheet to help your child(ren) understand what they must be taking each day!
My School Bucks
All prepaid money will be available for student purchases of breakfast, lunch, and ala carte. Also, parents will have the ability to print out a copy of their child’s eating history report. This history report will show you all dates and times that your child has made food purchases within the past 30 days. This service can only be utilized if parents register students on the website From this site, you will create your account and add money to your child’s school meal account. All you need is your child’s name, student ID number and school zip code.
Each month, menus will be posted on Nutrislice and in the cafeteria. At the elementary schools, students will be offered a daily main line option (A lunch), C lunch ( PB&J offered daily), and D Lunch (Yogurt, string cheese, & roll offered daily). At the secondary schools, students will be offered the daily main line options along with many other offerings that will be served every day (See Nutrislice for details). A la carte items such as ice cream, chips, other snacks, and water are offered on a daily basis for an additional cost and are not included with a meal.
Elementary Schools
Every Tuesday, a Type “S” lunch will be offered. Type “S” lunch is a chef salad consisting of a bed of lettuce/salad greens and a dinner roll. The chef salad may include the following protein food items: grated cheese, ham, hard-boiled egg, turkey, tuna salad and chicken salad. The Type “S” lunch will include the dessert and milk listed on the menu for that day.
Power Packs Program
The program serves Penn Manor families in need by providing them with a recipe and the main ingredients to make one weekend meal; eight or nine grocery items, including protein and fresh produce; milk every two to three weeks; and tips for healthy living. Penn Manor residents can sign up for Power Packs by completing an online application and can find out more information about the program.
Payment of School Meal Accounts Policy
Payment of School Meal Accounts 8-17
Penn Manor School District recognizes that student wellness and proper nutrition are related to students’ physical well-being, growth, development, and readiness to learn. The School Board is committed to providing a school environment that promotes student wellness, proper nutrition, nutrition education, and regular physical activity as part of the total learning experience.
Penn Manor Food Services is proud of our ServSafe Certification: SERVSAFE CERTIFICATION (pdf).
Main Contacts
Courtney Kolp, Director of Food Services
(717) 872-9500, ext. 1829
Deanna Witmer, District Food Services
(717) 872-9520, ext. 1830