Ten Penn Manor High School students have been selected to participate in the District 7 Chorus Festival in February, based on their performance during auditions held October 26.
The auditions included students from 70 public and private schools spanning eight different counties – Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Perry, and York.
The Penn Manor students were selected for the following parts:
Soprano 2 – Dana Raugh and Madelyn Stern.
Alto 1 – Bailey Floyd.
Alto 2 – Ava Wolfersberger, who was ranked 6th overall on her voice part.
Tenor 1 – Noah Tuel and David Ferre, who was ranked 4th on his voice part.
Bass 1 – Eamon Helfrich and Matthew Palmeri, who was ranked 2nd on his voice part.
Bass 2 – James Helm, ranked 4th on his voice part.
Piano accompanist – Jordan Chen.
Penn Manor is among the schools with the highest number of students selected to participate in the District 7 Chorus Festival, to be held February 7-8, 2025, at Central York High School.
Congratulations to these students and their choral director, Penn Manor High School music teacher Lauren Ciemiewicz.