Fans wave pom-poms from the stands of a football game.

Guidelines issued for home football game attendance

Please read this message from Doug Eby, Penn Manor High School principal, regarding expectations for those attending home football games in 2024-2025.

Dear Penn Manor Community,

The high school football season is an exciting time of year for the athletes, band members, cheerleaders and the community as a whole. The Penn Manor School District is committed to providing a welcoming and positive environment for all that attend Penn Manor athletic contests. 

Penn Manor School District has implemented the following guidelines for admittance into all home high school football games effective at the start of the 2024/2025 sports season.

  • All elementary and middle school students must be accompanied by an adult to enter the stadium.  An adult must be present in the stadium at all times. 
  • Students from Penn Manor High School and visiting schools must present their student ID, or Penn Manor student ID number, to purchase a ticket for the game. 
  • Bookbags and unnecessary items such as skateboards, scooters, non-service animals, footballs, are not permitted in Penn Manor athletic facilities and Millersville University’s facilities.
  • We expect all guests to support the game in a positive manner and promote good sportsmanship and behavior at all times.
  • High school students from Penn Manor and from the visiting team are expected to sit in the designated student or fan section. 
  • Tickets for the game will be sold through the end of the 3rd quarter. No one under the age of 18 will be admitted into the stadium after the end of the 3rd quarter.
  • Penn Manor School District has the right to request identification for any guests attempting to enter Millersville’s stadium and during their time in Milersville’s stadium. 

Thank you for your continued support in providing a safe and respectful environment for all members of our school community.

Penn Manor School District