Thirty-four professional educators have joined the Penn Manor family for the 2024-2025 school year.
We welcomed these new employees during New Teacher Orientation, held the week of August 5 at Penn Manor High School. In addition to orientation sessions, activities included a bus tour of all district schools and a luncheon with administrators and school board members in the high school cafeteria.
Here are the new professional employees, pending approval by the school board:
Central Manor Elementary
Sarah Crissman, Grade 4
Emma Elwell, Grade 3
Jamie Gerlach, Music
Jamie Kopp, Grade 4
Central Manor/Hambright Elementary
Cicily Confer, Grade 2/Tech Ed LTS*
Eshleman Elementary
Carrie Cortez, Grade 2
Emma Houck, Grade 2
Hambright Elementary
Leah Miller, Learning Support
Maggie Deseta, Grade 3
Taylor Lux, Grade 4
Madalyn Miller, Art
Allison Ross, Grade 1
Samantha Baker, School Counselor
Letort/Conestoga Elementary
Hannah Snelbaker, Kindergarten/Grade 2 LTS*
Martic Elementary
Jenna Bleacher, Grade 5
Mollie Baumgardner, Grade 5
Laura Birch, Grade 3
Madison Stumpf, Learning Support
Pequea Elementary
Sarah Doutrich, Grade 2
Alivia Loercher, Kindergarten Diagnostics
Manor Middle School
Kelly Staskel, English
Lauren Hoffman, Science
Jennifer Heller, Reading
Marticville Middle
Hanna Phillips, Learning Support
Penn Manor High School
Colin Anderson, Math
Stephanie Balmer, Agricultural Education
Micah Emig, Math
Amanda Gasiorowski, Learning Support
Jason Genise-Gdula, Biology
Riley Good, Math
Katrina Nesmith, Emotional Support
Luke Kerstetter, Agricultural Education
Luke Wealand, Emotional Support
Tera Kohler, Special Education Coordinator/Consultant
To all our new staff members, welcome to the Penn Manor family, and best wishes for the 2024-2025 school year!
*Long-term substitute teacher