Two Penn Manor students recently won awards at the North Museum Science & Engineering Fair, held March 6 and 7 at Millersville University.
High school senior Corinne Smith placed second in the Animal and Behavioral Science Division with her project titled “Fruit Flies’ Susceptibility to Becoming Addicted to Ethanol.”
Corinne was competing for the second straight year. Her research expands on the genetic studies she started in the summer of her sophomore year at the University of Pittsburgh’s Health Scholars Academy.
John Ryan, an eighth-grader from Marticville Middle School, won the Junior Reserve Champion award and an auxiliary award for the creativity of his research. In his first year of competition, John won recognition for his project, “A Small Solution to a Big Problem: Is Water the Best Way to Remove Microplastics from a Ferrofluid?”
Congratulations to these students and their teachers for encouraging scientific curiosity and academic excellence.
Any Penn Manor student who is interested in participating in the science fair is encouraged to contact their science teacher to learn more about next year’s event.