four photos of students arriving at Martic Elementary and Marticville Middle Schools.

Penn Manor kicks off the 2023-2024 school year

Penn Manor schools opened their doors for more than 5,400 students on August 28 to kick off the 2023-2024 school year.

This year’s opening went smoothly, according to Penn Manor superintendent Dr. Phil Gale, who is beginning his second year as Penn Manor’s top administrator.

“There is great excitement on the first day of school as the enthusiasm our staff and faculty has for our students shines through,” he said. “We are eager for students to experience the challenges and successes this new school year will bring.”

Across the district, students were greeted by 32 new professional staff members for 2023-2024, including 28 new teachers. At Penn Manor High School, Doug Eby began his first year as principal, as Baron Jones took the helm at Marticville Middle School.

Other administrative changes for the new year include Dee Galen as director of student support services, and Dan Forry as chief financial officer.

For the first time in years, students and staff did not have to deal with construction activity at Penn Manor High School, as the multi-year renovation/construction project drew to a close last year.

This week’s school schedule includes an early dismissal on Thursday, August 31. Schools will be closed Friday, September 1, and Monday, September 4, for the Labor Day holiday.

Welcome back, students and staff, and best wishes on a new school year!

  • Photo of four young students getting off the bus at Martic Elementary.