Maria Vita surrounded by nine family members and state lawmakers on the floor of the House of Representatives.

State House honors Maria Vita for national teaching award

Penn Manor psychology teacher Maria Vita was recently honored by Pennsylvania lawmakers for receiving a national teaching award from the American Psychological Association’s Society for the Teaching of Psychology.

Ms. Vita and her family members were invited to the state Capitol on June 30, where she received a citation signed by state House Representatives Ismail Smith-Wade-El, Steven Mentzer, Bryan Cutler and Brett Miller. 

The citation praises Ms. Vita for “greatly enhancing the experience and quality of education for her students. With vision, energy and enthusiasm for teaching, she truly serves as a role model worthy of emulation.”

In May, Maria was named recipient of the Mary Margaret Moffett Memorial Teaching Excellence Award in the high school teaching category from APA Division 2, the Society for the Teaching of Psychology. The award, established in 1995, is given to only one high school teacher each year.

Award recipients were selected based on effective and innovative teaching, stimulation of student interest in psychology, implementing the American Psychological Association’s National Standards for High School Psychology Curricula, and professional development.

Ms. Vita, who has taught at Penn Manor since 2003, was nominated for the award by a colleague, Mike Hamilton, a psychology teacher from Massachusetts.

In 2019, Ms. Vita was honored as one of 12 finalists for the Pennsylvania Teacher of the Year award.

At the Capitol on June 30, Ms. Vita and her family were given a tour of the building and invited to the House floor.

Many thanks to our local lawmakers for taking the time to honor one of Penn Manor’s finest!