More than 80 students pose onstage in the high school auditorium after receiving their awards.

Class of 2023 receives more than $167,000 in scholarships/awards

Members of the Penn Manor Class of 2023 received more than $167,000 in scholarships and awards during the 56th Annual Commencement Awards Ceremony, held May 25 at Penn Manor High School.

More than 100 students received 157 scholarships – including 105 awards administered through the Penn Manor Education Foundation – to assist them with their college and career plans.

The total of $167,600 includes several large scholarships.

Nicole Chen received the $20,000 Murry Foundation Scholarship from the Blue Grass Community Foundation, and Madeline Mitchell received the $14,000 Lee “Todd” Amigh Memorial Scholarship, administered through PMEF.

Adam Ditmer received the $5,000 Robert N. and Darlene I Ford Endowment, Alyssa Guzman received the $4,000 Joan Pollock Memorial Scholarship, and Wyatt Rohrer received the $4,000 Donald Pollock Memorial Scholarship.

Here is a list of all the awards, which are sponsored by local businesses, organizations and individuals. You can watch a recording of the ceremony here.

In addition to these scholarships, 12 Penn Manor seniors enrolled in Lancaster County Career & Technology Center programs received 20 scholarships and awards. Here is a list of those awards.

We can’t thank our community members and businesses enough for their generosity in supporting Penn Manor students as they pursue education after high school.

Congratulations to these students!