Photos of groups of winners from the FFA banquet at Penn Manor High School.

Manor FFA honors members and supporters at 2023 banquet

The Manor FFA chapter at Penn Manor High School honored several of its members and community supporters during its annual banquet, held March 23 at the high school.

Pennsylvania FFA vice president Benjamin Torrey attended the event, along with McKenna Clifton, National FFA Southern Region vice president.

The following awards were announced:

Star Greenhand awards went to Ethan Todd (agriscience), Emily Railing (agribusiness), Weston Shertzer (production), and Ryan Brenneman (placement).

A Star Chapter Award was presented to Lincoln Stewart (production).

Upperclassmen Leadership Awards went to Chloe Perry (Dekalb Award, Birchler Award, Outstanding Interview); Brandon McMichael (Lockhart Award, Most Improved Senior); Timothy Frey (Lockhart Award); Vita Failla (Humanitarian Award, Outstanding Volunteer); Elisabeth Strickler (Advocate of Agriculture Award); Katie Moyer (Outstanding Contributor); and Kenzi Nafziger (Charles Award).

Proficiency Awards went to Leah Hess (specialty crop production), Olivia Malpica (goat production), Carly Railing (dairy production), Jenna Smith (diversified livestock production), Molly Gehr (sheep production), and Elisabeth Strickler (small animal production).

Underclassmen Leadership Awards were presented to Emily Railing, Landon Hess, Chase Vinson, Sarah Souhrada, and Nathaniel Frey (Emerging Leaders), and Bethany Kramer (Bachman Sports Leadership Award).

A Scholarship Recipient Award went to Chloe Perry (career in agricultural sciences and highest GPA in the chapter).

SAE Grant Recipients were Kayla Wasche, Madison Martin, Delvin Kneisley, Jeanette Kneisley, Kendall Hohenwater, Vita Failla, Jenna Smith, Gershom Magutu, and Samantha Brunner.

Highest Fruit Seller Awards were presented to Trinity Mowery (high school), Connor Funk (Marticville Middle School) and Katlyn Charles (Manor Middle School). 

The Outstanding Recordkeeping award went toEmily Railing.

Chapter Ag Mechanics Competition awards went to (Upper Track) Keith French (1st place), Collin Harnish (2nd) and Layne Perry (3rd); (Lower Track) Ryan Brenneman (1st), Nathaniel Frey (2nd), and Delvin Kneisley (3rd).

The Blue & Gold Award was presented to Seth and Tiffanie Perry.

Honorary Chapter Degree recipients were Alan and Kathleen Railing, Jay and Amanda Kneisley, Mara Tate, Mary Wurzbach, and Steve Harnish.

At the close of the banquet, Manor FFA officers for 2023-2024 were installed. They are Jeanette Kneisley (president), Jenna Smith (vice president), Carly Railing (executive vice president), Olivia Malpica (advisor), Layne Perry and Nathaniel Frey (treasurers), Bethany Kramer and Sarah Souhrada (secretaries), Molly Gehr (reporter), Chase Vinson (chaplain), Emily Railing (sentinel), and Madison Martin (historian).

  • Photo of Poultry Evaluation Team
    Poultry Evaluation Team, from left, Layne Perry, Derek Thomas, Brooke Campbell, Kendall Hohenwarter, and Brenna Moon.