Manor FFA members from Penn Manor High School received several awards at the Pennsylvania Farm Show, held January 7 through 14 at the Farm Show Arena in Harrisburg. The awards were presented during the Farm Show’s FFA Mid-Winter Convention.
Here are this year’s award recipients:
Keystone Degrees
Four Students – Chloe Perry, Ezekiel Smith, Timothy Frey, and Brandon McMichael – received their Keystone Degrees.
The Keystone is the fourth-highest of five degrees an FFA member can receive. To earn a Keystone, a member must first earn Greenhand and Chapter Degrees, complete 25 hours of community service, participate in at least 15 FFA activities, demonstrate leadership skills, advocate for agriculture and the FFA, and have 300 hours outside of school and $1,000 invested in a supervised agricultural experience (SAE).
One Manor FFA member, Ezekiel Smith, won the Regional Star Keystone in agribusiness for going above and beyond with his SAE project on making and selling knives.
Also during the convention, Penn Manor parents Clyde and Donna Smith received an Honorary Keystone Degree for having three of their sons – Phillip, Isaiah and Ezekiel – earn Keystones.
Jacket Scholarships
Three students – Weston Shertzer, Nathaniel Frey and Kassandra Welch – earned jacket scholarships, enabling them to receive their FFA jackets, scarf and ties at no cost. The blue jacket is an honorary symbol of starting membership in the FFA.
To be considered for a scholarship, the students had to fill out an application explaining what the jacket would mean to them and their future plans in FFA.
Congratulations to these Manor FFA award recipients!