Photo of students onstage to receive scholarship awards

Class of 2022 receives more than $150,000 in scholarships, awards

Members of the Penn Manor Class of 2022 received more than $150,000 in scholarships and awards during the 55th Annual Commencement Awards Ceremony, held May 19 at Penn Manor High School.

A total of 98 students received 127 scholarships – including 66 awards administered through the Penn Manor Education Foundation – to assist them with their college and career plans.

The total of $154,514 includes two large scholarships for members of the Class of 2022. Hannah Fogell received a $30,000 James Hale Steinman Memorial Scholarship, and Julia Hale received the $14,000 Lee “Todd” Amigh Scholarship.

The Amigh award was established this year by Jim Amigh, a retired Penn Manor health and physical education teacher,  in memory of his wife, Lee, to honor her commitment to environmental education.

The Amigh award is one of 10 news scholarships established this year by the Education Foundation.

Here is a list of all the awards, which are sponsored by local businesses, organizations and individuals. You can watch a recording of the ceremony here.

Congratulations to these students, and many thanks to our scholarship sponsors!