Congratulations to Penn Manor school board member Dr. Joe Fullerton, who was recently elected president of the Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 board of school directors.
IU13 is an education service agency that is governed by a 22-member board of directors that includes school board representatives from each of the 22 districts within IU13, including Penn Manor.
“We are fortunate to have Dr. Joe Fullerton elected as the new IU13 board president,” said Dr. Brian Barnhart, IU13 executive director. “He has a thorough understanding of our comprehensive work and strategic priorities, and is an outstanding leader in every aspect.”
Fullerton is vice president of the Penn Manor school board and has served on the board since 2013.
He is employed as assistant director of the Career, Technical & Customized Education (CTCE) division of the Chester County Intermediate Unit.
Many thanks to Dr. Fullerton for taking on this additional responsibility.