Jerrell Birch, a former Penn Manor elementary school teacher, has been named assistant principal of Manor Middle School.
Jerrell is returning to Penn Manor after serving as assistant principal at Stony Brook Elementary School in York. He began his teaching career in 2012 at Hambright Elementary before moving to Central Manor, where he taught fifth grade until 2020.
After earning his bachelor’s degree in elementary education in 2011 from Millersville University, Jerrell received his master’s degree in education from MU in 2018.
He replaces Dr. Scott Keddie, the new principal of Conestoga Elementary School, who had served as Manor’s assistant principal since 2006.
Jerrell lives in Millersville with his wife and four children.
“I’m certain that Jerrell will have a positive impact on teaching and learning at Manor Middle School in the coming years,” said Mike Leichliter, Penn Manor superintendent.
Welcome, Jerrell, to your new role at Manor Middle.