Brooke Hinkle named Homecoming Queen; court raises $4,235 for Loft

Congratulations to Brooke Hinkle, the 2020 Penn Manor High School Homecoming Queen.

Brooke was crowned by last year’s queen, Leilani Torres, during a ceremony Thursday night in the high school gymnasium that featured Penn Manor cheerleaders and band members.

Brooke was one of nine Penn Manor seniors vying for the title. The other members of the court were Madyson Hodges, Naisha Lamour, Taylor LoCurto, Jasmine Miller, Olivia Nicastro, Alexia Wedge, Anaisha Torres and Amanda Wolf.

You can learn more about this year’s homecoming court here.    

The nine members raised $4,235 for the Loft Community Partnership, which provides clothing, food and household supplies to Penn Manor families in need.

Thank you, ladies, for supporting this important community resource!