Penn Manor School District is seeking input from the community to help develop a recommendation for the Board of School Directors to consider during a public meeting on Monday, September 21.
The administration is considering whether to recommend to the school board that all students (K-12) physically return to school five days a week instead of continuing with the current Blended Learning schedule.
The Penn Manor Virtual School will continue to be offered.
Penn Manor would continue to follow the health and safety precautions now in place. However, with all students physically in school, there would be limitations on social distancing in classrooms and more students on buses, in hallways and in cafeterias.
We are asking district parents to complete this survey by 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, September 15 to provide us with valuable feedback.
Penn Manor students will be contacted by their school principals and surveyed separately.
We appreciate your participation as we consider our options moving forward.