Congratulations to school directors Carlton “Herk” Rintz and Ken Long for their combined 28 years of service to the Penn Manor school board!
At the Sept. 3 school board meeting, Rintz was honored for 16 years of service, and Long was honored for his 12 years of service to the all-volunteer board of school directors.
Karen Devine, of the Pennsylvania School Boards Association, presented them with certificates of appreciation “for their long-term contributions of energy, talents and values to the guidance of youth and public education.”
Since 1983, the PSBA has been recognizing school board members who earn “honor roll” status for serving for eight years or more.
The honor roll “is a way of saying thank you to those individuals who exemplify leadership and statesmanship, giving unselfishly of their time and talents for the future of our public schools,” according to the PSBA.
Many thanks, gentlemen, for your countless hours of service to the students and staff of Penn Manor!