Teams from three different Penn Manor elementary schools earned first-place trophies in the Math Bowl, a spirited competition involving students from all seven Penn Manor elementary schools in fourth, fifth and sixth grades.
A team from Hambright Elementary earned the first-place trophy for fourth grade. Eshleman took the fifth-grade crown, and Central Manor was the sixth-grade champ. The runners-up were Letort (fourth grade), Pequea (fifth) and Eshleman (sixth).
The competition, which included about 75 participants, tests students’ general math ability and skills in solving multi-step and word problems and computations with and without calculators. Participants are the top math students from each school, so qualifying for the math bowl is an achievement itself. Here are the results:
Fourth grade
- First place: Hambright team of Wesley Groff, Anupama Neopaney, Miles Fetter and Micah Cruz.
- Second: Letort Elementary team of Eliza Myer, Camden Beakes, Elijah Hurst and Emily Simpson.
Fifth grade
- First: Eshleman team of Seth Barrett, Jett Kroesen, Joelle Kroesen and David Kirkley.
- Second: Pequea team of Jenna Railing, Rayn Andreychek, Grant Bradburn and Natasha Wee.
Sixth grade
- First: Central Manor team of Jordan Chen, Zoe Thomas, Cooper Dawkins and Vincent Keefer.
- Second: Eshleman team of Andrew Gallion, Evan Lee, Jack Hightower and Trinity Mowery.
Congratulations to all who participated!