Penn Manor School District will hold an Act 34 hearing on the proposed high school renovation and construction project at 6 p.m. July 16 in the auditorium of Manor Middle School, 2950 Charlestown Road.
The public meeting will include a description of the proposed renovations and construction, along with presentations on the educational, physical, administrative, budgetary and fiscal aspects of the project. Work is scheduled to begin next summer.
Members of the public will have the opportunity to comment on the project.
The proposed improvements include upgrades to the school’s HVAC, plumbing, electrical, fire suppression, technology and security systems, along with replacement of major sections of the school.
A new athletic wing is planned, along with a 900-seat auditorium and band, chorus, orchestra and ensemble rooms.
Proposed new classroom spaces include an art suite, a three-story humanities classroom section, a two-story science, technology, engineering and math wing, and new agricultural classrooms, labs and a greenhouse.
The project is projected to cost $87 million, with the option of an alternate proposal that adds district offices. With that option included, along with construction management fees, the total project cost is estimated at $91 million.
The Penn Manor board of school directors will decide at a later date whether to pursue the district office option.
School directors will attend the Act 34 hearing, along with representatives of the district administration, architects Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates, financial advisers RBC Capital Markets Corp. and district solicitor Kegel, Kelin, Almy & Lord.
This booklet explains the Act 34 meeting process and the proposed project: PMHS Act 34 booklet 6-20-18