In a spirited competition involving students from all seven Penn Manor elementary schools, teams of fourth-, fifth- and sixth-graders squared off in the Penn Manor Math Bowl.
Teams from Central Manor Elementary School took home the first-place trophy in all three grades, and Eshleman students claimed the runner-up trophy.
More than 75 students participated in the competition, which tests students’ general math ability and skills in solving multi-step and word problems and computations with and without a calculator.
The participants are the top math students from each school, so just qualifying for the math bowl is an achievement. Here are the results:
Fourth grade
- First place: Central Manor team of IzEldeen Salem, Maryam Alfayyadh, Chloe Mummau and Kayla Joy.
- Second: Eshleman team of Tristn Torres, Jett Kroesen, Seth Barret and Luke Devinney.
Fifth grade
- First: Central Manor team of Zoe Thomas, Cooper Dawkins, Jorden Chen and Brady Breneman.
- Second: Eshleman team of Evan Lee, Andrew Gallion, Tyler Hudson and Ishmael Bolorin.
Sixth grade
- First: Central Manor team of Gavin Long, Matthew Perkins, Carter Vinson and Tristan Groff.
- Second: Eshleman team of Aydan Aliotta, Autumn Kirkley, Elizabeth Pursel and Mackenzi Nafziger.
Congratulations to all who participated!