More than 50 children received 100 new books – and ice cream cones – as part of a new Literacy Outreach designed to keep students interested in reading over the summer.
Funded by a $1,300 grant from Penn Manor Education Foundation, the program also exposed students to the Lancaster County Bookmobile and provided their parents with useful information on community services.
Penn Manor School District staff partnered with the county library and the Community Action Partnership to deliver the materials, plus ice cream from the Cruisin’ Creamery truck, to residents of the Pheasant Ridge and Manor Heights neighborhoods May 18 and 24.
“The idea was to just have a fun event to reach families with young children and provide reading materials over the summer,” said Tamara Baker, Conestoga Elementary School principal, who received the grant through PMEF’s Strong & Healthy Families initiative.
Each child got two new books. In addition, children at Manor Heights could sign up for a library card and take out books from the Bookmobile, which will be returning to their neighborhood in the summer. Additional books will be donated to the Manor Heights community library.
Baker said hopes the effort will help spark an interest in reading among parents and children, especially those not yet in school.
Strong & Healthy Families was established in 2016 to assist Penn Manor families in need.