Manor FFA members earned multiple awards at the chapter’s 57th annual banquet, held recently in the Penn Manor High School cafeteria.
Pennsylvania Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Gregory Hostetter and PA State FFA Officer Garrett Jenkins were the speakers at the event, which celebrated the hard work of chapter members during the school year.
Members received the following awards:
Proficiency – Kayla McLain, agriculture education; Kenny Barley, ag mechanics; Arilyn Tegtmeier-Oatman, agriscience; Rose Drumm, beef production and dairy production; Jonathon Eshbach, diversified crop production; Sam Garrett, diversified livestock production; Shelby Martin, equine science; Rebecca High, swine production; Wes Herr, diversified crop; and Kyle Bushong, dairy production.
SAE Start-Up Grants – Marshall Ebersole, Abby Reiff, Tanner Bauman, Kylie Kreider, Emily Aukamp, Allison Lowe, Alyssa Chalfant, Maddy Denlinger, Damian Kreider and Melodie Garrett.
SAE Expansion Grants – Luke Frey, Angie Frola, Arilyn Tegtmeier-Oatman, Rebecca High and Austin Kolb.
Scholarship Awards – Kayla McLain, Neve Consylman, Wesley Herr, Arilyn Tegtmeir-Oatman, Marshall Ebersole, Clara Hess, Kenny Barley, Rose Drumm, Bailey Smith, Sam Garrett, Boyd Barley, Kyle Bushong and Arilyn Tegtmeir-Oatman.
Kenny Barley and Emily Aukamp were recognized for receiving Washington Leadership Conference Scholarships for a week-long conference this summer.
Leadership Awards – Neve Consylman, Sam Garrett, Kayla McLain, Rose Drumm, Kenny Barley, Rebecca High, Austin Kolb, Lauren Sensenich, Mike Brumbaugh, Arilyn Tegtmeier-Oatman, Wesley Herr, Colin Smith, Sarah Bleacher, Kyle Bushong, Emily Aukamp, Luke Frey, Lynsey Wissler, Lauren Sensenich and Maddy Denlinger.
Kayla Major was recognized for receiving the American Degree, the highest degree in the FFA.
Keystone Degrees – Manor FFA seniors who were awarded Keystones at the PA Farm Show include Rose Drum, Sam Garrett, Kayla McLain, Neve Consylman, Lynsey Wissler, Evan Ressler, Connor Bitts, Boyd Barley, Ryan Barnett, Wesley Herr, and Shelby Martin.
Wesley Herr was recognized for being the Regional Star with his Keystone Degree, and Jonathon Eshbach and Elizabeth Broderick were awarded Star Red Rose in production and agribusiness, respectfully.
Star Chapter recipients – Emily Aukamp (placement), Rebecca High (production), Kyle Bushong (agribusiness) and Arilyn Tegtmeier-Oatman (agriscience). Maddy Denlinger received the Star Greenhand in placement.
At the close of the banquet, Manor FFA officers were installed for 2017-2018. They are Kenny Barley, Clara Hess, Emily Aukamp, Arilyn Tegtmeier-Oatman, Cody Hurlburt, Abigail Reiff, Elizabeth Broderick, Lauren Sensenich, Luke Frey, Madeleine Denlinger, Melodie Garrett, Michael Brumbaugh and Rebecca High.
Honorary Degree recipients were recognized for their continued support. They are Meagan Slates, Ken and Nancy Witmer, Mike and Nancy Nissley, Tim High, Franklin Myers, Aaron and Angie Breneman, Harold and Anna Barley, Ellen Bowman and A.B. Acres.
This year’s Blue & Gold recipients are Gordon and Tracy Long. The Longs were recognized for their constant support and dedication to the members of the Manor FFA. By showing support through swine projects, alumni functions and general support and guidance throughout the year, the Longs exemplify the “Living to Serve” motto.
Congratulations to the award recipients, and many thanks to all the banquet sponsors.