A team of Eshleman Elementary School fifth-graders has earned a third-place award in the Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 STEM Consortium Student Competition.
The team of Keira Stigelman, Lydia Meier, Elizabeth Pursel and Maggie Garvey designed and built a prototype of a “Sound Sleeper,” a pillow headband designed to be worn while sleeping to block out sound.
The contest was open to students in grades four through nine from schools in Lancaster and Lebanon counties. Teams were charged with identifying a day-to-day problem and designing a solution that works better than currently available products.
Teams had to follow a formal design process in developing their prototype and create a website to explain their product and the problem it addresses.
The Eshleman team was honored March 2 at the school by Curtis Funkhouser, STEM curriculum and instruction consultant for IU 13, who presented the members with certificates and gift cards.
Congrats, ladies!