Congratulations to Penn Manor High School sophomore Katherina Vanatta, whose poem was recently published in the national magazine, Teen Ink.
“Can You Hear Me?” was selected from among hundreds of submissions to appear in the January 2016 issue, which focuses on teens and health.
This is the fifth time Katherina’s writing has appeared on the website (under the pen name Fallen.Crye), but the first time her work also appeared in print. Only “the best of the best” is chosen for the print publication, according to Teen Ink, which showcases teenage writing, art, photos, and forums.
“It felt good to really see it in print,” said Katherina, who began writing in elementary school and enjoys writing fan fiction and poetry. She has three novels in progress and hopes to self-publish one of them in the near future.
Katherina said her writing has benefited from the feedback she receives as a member of the Penn Manor Creative Writing Club. Club adviser Lisa Mayo said Katherina is the first writing student she can recall being published in Teen Ink.
In addition to writing, Katherina participates in chorus at Penn Manor and plays multiple musical instruments, including piano, xylophone and clarinet. She also is a member of the Penn Manor Family, Career and Community Leaders of America.
Best wishes, Katherina, on your future writing endeavors!