The holidays will be a bit more special for more than 170 families in need, thanks to the generosity of the Penn Manor community.
Toys, gifts, personal supplies, clothing and food are being distributed this week by the Penn Manor Family Fund at Millersville Brethren in Christ Church to 125 families experiencing economic difficulties.
Also this week, Marticville Middle School’s Technology Student Association is distributing holiday meals and Christmas trees to 35 needy families in the southern end. The food drive is a joint project with the Southern End Strutters chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation, with the support of Martic Elementary School.
The programs would not have been possible without the generosity of Penn Manor students, staff, community members, organizations and businesses that donated money, food and gifts to the less fortunate. The recipients include more than 250 children from all 10 Penn Manor schools.
Behind the scenes, student groups and adult volunteers helped to organize and deliver the gifts and food boxes for distribution.
Thanks to all who participated in these worthwhile efforts. You make us all Penn Manor Proud!