Superintendent Michael Leichliter talks about the high school's current condition.

District explains options on upgrading/replacing HS

Nearly 90 people turned out for the first public information meeting on the future of Penn Manor High School, held Thursday night in the high school auditorium.

District residents and staff members heard about the four options Penn Manor School Board is considering to upgrade and/or renovate the school, which was originally built in the late 1950s and renovated beginning in 1994.

The school board is considering a range of projects, from a basic renovation to construction of a new school, and is seeking the public’s input. Thursday’s meeting was the first of nine sessions, and participants had plenty of great questions and thoughtful comments.

If you missed the meeting, your next opportunity is Nov. 18 in the Penn Manor High School cafeteria.

Penn Manor also has set up a web page that contains links to the PowerPoint presentation on the high school master plan, the full schedule of meetings and a summary of the four options, a survey about the four projects, and a Facebook page on project developments.

You can access those resources here.

Thanks to all those who turned out Thursday!