Congratulations to Penn Manor’s Outstanding Employees and Educators for 2013-14. These seven individuals represent the hundreds of hard-working teachers and support staff members who work with our students every day. Thank you to ALL for your hard work.
Our awardees for this year are:
Outstanding Employees
- Elementary – The team of Marie Duke, Donna Falk, Kathy Gery, Faye Sangrey, all from the Central Manor cafeteria staff
- Secondary – Patricia Frey, Marticville custodian
Outstanding Educators
- Elementary – John Matusek, Eshleman fifth-grade teacher
- Secondary – Neil Fellenbaum, high school agriculture teacher
These employees will be honored along with retirees and other staff members at Penn Manor’s Employee Recognition Dinner April 23 in the high school cafeteria. A reception begins at 6 p.m., the dinner at 6:30.
Employees who are celebrating a milestone year (20, 25, 30 or 35 years) with Penn Manor will be honored at the dinner with a small token of appreciation.
Any Penn Manor School District employee may attend the dinner, no matter how many years of service they have completed, at a cost of $17. The reply card with dinner choices is available on CometNet under District Happenings. Please send to Cindy Rhoades by April 11. The form also is available here: Employee Recognition Dinner Invitation