Penn Manor High School’s strong academic performance in a new state assessment has earned it a prestigious honor.
The high school was named a recipient of the Governor’s Award for Excellence in Academics for scoring more than 90 points on the Pennsylvania School Performance Profile assessment system. The school earned 91.8 points out of a possible 107, one of the highest scores of any high school in Lancaster County.
The rating is based on students’ math, science, reading and literature test scores, their academic growth from the previous year, attendance and graduation rates and a school’s ability to narrow the achievement gap among diverse groups of students. The SPP ratings replace the previous system, which determined whether schools were making “adequate yearly progress,” or AYP.
PMHS is one of only 428 schools of the nearly 3,300 public schools in Pennsylvania to receive the Governor’s Award for Excellence.
High school principal Phil Gale said the award “is recognition of the efforts the faculty has put forth over the past few years to increase expectations for students and assist them in reaching those standards.”
“Teachers have worked diligently to increase the rigor of all classes, which has enabled students to develop the skills necessary to succeed in the classroom and in life after high school,” Gale said. “The award also recognizes the efforts that our students have put forth to meet the challenges placed before them.”
“I am extremely proud of what has been and continues to be accomplished at Penn Manor High School,” he said.
Overall, schools in the Penn Manor district scored an average of 85.9 points, well above the level – 70 points – at which schools are considered to be making progress under the SPP system.